Clowns Without Borders Project in Haiti -

Haiti - JuneCSF Canada, CSF France

In June 2015, Clowns Without Borders Canada and Clowns Without Borders France went on a mission in Haiti and performed 5 shows for 15,000 people.
Clowns Without Borders Project in Haiti -

Haiti - JunePSF Spain, CSF Canada

In June 2015, Clowns Without Borders Spain and Clowns Without Borders Canada went on a joint mission in Haiti.
Clowns Without Borders Project in Nepal -

Nepal - August CWB UK, CUG Sweden

In August 2015, Clowns Without Borders UK and Clowns Without Borders Sweden did a joint tour to the people affected by the earthquake of April.
Clowns Without Borders Project in France -

France - JanuaryFrance – 2015 – 955

In January 2015, Clowns Without Borders Belgium, France and UK performed shows in the camps of Calais and Grand-Synthe in Dunkerke.
Clowns Without Borders Project in Romania -

Romania - October CUG Sweden, KIR Finland

In October 2015, Clowns Without Borders Sweden went to Romania for a project targeting children in the marginalized Roma communities. The project was carried out in collaboration with Clowns Without Borders Finland as...
Clowns Without Borders Project in Greece -

Greece - DecemberCUG Sweden

In December 2015, Clowns Without Borders Sweden went on its third emergency mission in Greece due to the refugee crisis in Europe. They did spontaneous performances around Kos harbor, in food delivery places, etc.
Clowns Without Borders Project in Greece -

Greece - DecemberCUG Sweden

In December 2015, Clowns Without Borders Sweden went on an emergency mission in Greece due to the refugee crisis in Europe. They did spontaneous performances around Kos harbor, in food delivery places, etc.
Clowns Without Borders Project in Cambodia -

Cambodia - November CUG Sweden

In November 2015, Clowns Without Borders Sweden went to Cambodia to perform shows in orphanages and in centers/organizations that work with child workers.
Clowns Without Borders Project in South Sudan -

South Sudan - NovemberCUG Sweden

In November 2015, Clowns Without Borders Sweden went a second time to South Sudan to train children and young people in circus arts. This time they focused on trainings of staff and volunteers as well as of...
Clowns Without Borders Project in Greece -

Greece - NovemberCUG Sweden

In November 2015, two tours were performed by Clowns Without Borders Sweden to target unaccompanied refugee children arriving to Greece. The first one was on the mainland to the cities of Athens, Thessaloniki,...