
Clowns Without Borders Project in Israel - 2006

Israel - 2006PSF Spain

In 2006, Clowns Without Borders Spain implemented a project in Israël and Palestine and went there with 4 artists to perform 20 shows for 1970 people. Logistic support was offered by the Red Crescent in Palestine and...
Clowns Without Borders Project in Israel - 2005

Israel - 2005PSF Spain

In 2005, Clowns Without Borders Spain sent 8 artists to Israël and Palestine and partnered with the collective “De Narices contra el Muro” to perform 20 shows in Palestinian refugee camps.
Clowns Without Borders Project in Israel - 2005

Israel - 2005PSF Spain

In 2005, Clowns Without Borders Spain sent 8 artists to Israël and Palestine and partnered with the collective “De Narices contra el Muro” to perform 20 shows in Palestinian refugee camps. ...
Clowns Without Borders Project in Israel - 2005

Israel - 2005CSF France

In 2005, Clowns Without Borders France returned to Israël and Palestine in the scope of a partnership with the French cultural center of Nazareth, Nablus, Gaza, Jerusalem, as well as Enfants Réfugiés du Monde. 23...
Clowns Without Borders Project in Israel - 2004

Israel - 2004PSF Spain

In 2004, Clowns Without Borders Spain went to Israël and Palestine with the support on the field of Media Luna Roja Palestina. They performed 15 shows for 1500 people.
Clowns Without Borders Project in Israel - 2003

Israel - June, 2003PSF Spain

In 2003, Clowns Without Borders Spain went to Israel and Palestine with the support of the Palestinian Center for Conflict Resolution, and performed 12 shows for 6000 people.
Clowns Without Borders Project in Israel - 2002

Israel - July, 2002CSF France

In 2002, Clowns Without Borders France implemented a project in Israel and Palestine with 7 artists, in partnership with Enfants réfugiés du monde, the Gaza French Cultural Center, the Jerusalem French Cultural...
Clowns Without Borders Project in Israel - 2002

Israel - 2002PSF Spain

In 2002, Clowns Without Borders Spain went to Israel and Palestine to perform 15 shows for 7500 people.
Clowns Without Borders Project in Israel - 2001

Israel - June, 2001PSF Spain

In 2001, Clowns Without Borders Spain went to Israel & Palestine, performing 12 shows for 6000 people.
Clowns Without Borders Project in Israel - 1995

Israel - June, 1995PSF Spain

In June 1995, Spanish artists from "La Banda de la risa" traveled to Israel.